Cruise the magnificent Greek Islands with Irish music’s greatest entertainers on a 7-Day non-stop party aboard Holland America’s luxurious ms Oosterdam.
Enjoy a star-studded vacation with unparalleled access to legendary stars Irish Music. Enjoy the nightly main stage performances, dancing and live performances throughout the ship, cocktail parties, meet and greet. Runinto your favorites all week-long during meals, poolside relaxing, drinks at the bar and more.

Piraeus (Athens)
As you board the ship in Piraeus, Athens,enjoy a Champagne reception and thesounds of great Irish music upon check-in.As you go onboard you will be greeted with alineup of cabin stewards that will escort youto your cabin. This is only a hint of the ser-vice you will experience throughout yourvoyage. For guests who plan on spending aday or two in Athens before or after to thecruise there is a lot to see and do. Spoiled forchoice – that’s likely how you’ll feel with amere day in Athens. The Greek capital is oneof the world’s oldest cities and often referredto as the “cradle of Western civilization”.Athens is brimming with grand sights inclu-ding the iconic Acropolis. Athens is alsoknown for its celebrated cuisine, and legen-dary nightlife, so deciding where to begincan be challenging.
August 18, 2024
Piraeus (Athens)

Santorini, Greece wins hands-down as one ofthe most beautiful islands in the world.There is a wealth of reasons why it is the bestGreek island and one of the top travel desti-nations. It’s rare natural beauty and the brea-thtaking caldera, the views, the extraordina-ry volcanic beaches, and the lunar landsca-pes are the wondrous results of this eruptionthat only be admired in Santorini. In thisincredible “canvas: everything is totally har-monious. The architecture of Santorini ‒whitewashed edifices, blue domes, candy-colored houses, and paved paths‒ blend inperfectly with the spectacular surroundings,creating jaw-dropping images that look likepicture postcards. It is also known for winemaking. Santorini is the only place on thewhole planet with so many wineries. It isundoubtedly Greece’s top destination forwine tourism. Getting around in SantoriniIsland is easy and not so expensive.
August 19, 2024

Kusadasi, (Ephesus), Turkey is a beach resorttown on Turkey’s western Aegean coast andis one of the major cruise ship ports inTurkey. Kusadasi is also known as “BirdIsland” due to the shape of Pigeon Island atthe south end of the town. Kusadasi is knownfor its shopping, beaches, diving, entertain-ment activities and it’s close proximity toEphesus, the UNESCO world heritage site.Ephesus is one of Turkey’s most popular tou-rists’ destinations as it is one of the largestand most impressive ancient cities in theworld. In addition to fun, sun, and explorati-on. Iit is also a great place for shopping.Visitors from Europe and beyond flock tothe town to find fabulous deals and bargainsof top brands.
August 20, 2024
Kusadasi (Ephesus)

Mykonos, Nisos Mykonos, Greece , is amust-visit Greek island. The luxurious faci-lities showcase the diverse offerings of thisbreathtaking destination. It has been popularwith the rich and famous since the 1960sandit was the first of the Greek islands that beca-me famous around the world. While theisland has become increasingly popular forits beach bars and summer party atmosphe-re, the island charms history buffs and soulsearchers alike with its vast array of white-washed churches, shops, and museums.Many of the island’s structures date back tothe 16 th century when its distinctive hilltopgrain windmills made it a thriving port andagricultural economy. Hundreds of flightsland in the international Mykonos airport.These days, people go there to see and beseen.
August 21, 2024
Mykonos, Nisos

August 22, 2024
At Sea

Rhodes, Nisos, Greece – is home to dramaticscenery, sumptuous cuisine, and a rich histo-ry. Rhodes has everything you’d expect froma Greek island, sugar cube houses with bluedoors, year-round sunshine and snug taver-nas serving delicious grilled seafood andouzo chasers. Rhodes is one of the mostpopular Greek islands, known for its beachesand the cosmopolitan atmosphere of itsmedieval Old Town. It is also known for itsdelicious food and local products and has awine-making tradition that goes back toantiquity. You will love shopping in Rhodesbecause there’s something for everyone in allprice ranges. It’s impossible to leave theisland empty-handed. A stroll around theRhodes Old Town is perfect for those whoseek to purchase souvenirs. The New Town isbetter for fashion and foreign brands.
August 23, 2024
Rhodes, Nisos

We will dock in the Port of Souda which isa neighboring town to Chania. The enchan-ting Chania is the second largest city onCrete Island (Greece) and one of the mostpicturesque ports in the Mediterraneancruise itineraries. With its impressive color-ful architecture, rich historic and culturalheritage, amazing food and shopping opti-ons, this lively port has everything you needfor a perfect cruise vacation! From the shipthere were some beautiful views of the coast-line of Crete. Crete, the largest island inGreece, and it’s such a wonderful place that ithas something for every visitor. It doesn’tmatter if you’re a lover of history, nature, orsports, or whether you just want to relax onone of their beautiful beaches, Crete hassomething for everyone to enjoy
August 24, 2024
Crete, Port of Souda (Chania)

As you board the ship in Piraeus, Athens,enjoy a Champagne reception and thesounds of great Irish music upon check-in.As you go onboard you will be greeted with alineup of cabin stewards that will escort youto your cabin. This is only a hint of the ser-vice you will experience throughout yourvoyage. For guests who plan on spending aday or two in Athens before or after to thecruise there is a lot to see and do. Spoiled forchoice – that’s likely how you’ll feel with amere day in Athens. The Greek capital is oneof the world’s oldest cities and often referredto as the “cradle of Western civilization”.Athens is brimming with grand sights inclu-ding the iconic Acropolis. Athens is alsoknown for its celebrated cuisine, and legen-dary nightlife, so deciding where to begincan be challenging.
August 25, 2024
Back To Piraeus (Athens)

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Daniel O’Donnell
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Nathan Carter
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

World Famous Shows
Celtic Thunder
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Michael English
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Kilfenora Céili Band
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
O’Neill Sisters
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Dominic Kirwan
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

All Star Line up of Irish Entertainment
Jimmy Buckley
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Daniel O’Donnell
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Nathan Carter
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Daniel O’Donnell
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Daniel O’Donnell
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Kilfenora Céili Band
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
O’Neill Sisters
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Dominic Kirwan
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…

Featuring Ireland’s Superstar
Jimmy Buckley
Greece, Athens (Pireas) • August 18th – 25th, 2024
Along with Ireland’s Superstars, we will take in some of the world’s most magical ports of call, including Santorini and Mykonos. Our superstar lineup will include Daniel O’Donnell, Celtic Thunder, Nathan Carter, The Kilfenora Céili Band, Michael English, Jimmy Buckley, Ceol, Dominic Kirwan, The O’Neill Sisters, Declan Nerney, Stephen Smyth, Brendan Shine, and many more…
Enjoy Dining Across a Range of Venues

For an elegant breakfast, leisurely lunch or unforgettable multi-course dinner, The Dining Room is your destination. Behind the scenes, our Culinary Council,® an elite team of seven world-renowned chefs, and our talented onboard executive chefs have worked to bring each dish to perfection. For dinner, choose from classics such as Boneless Lamb Loin en Croute, Rosemary Roasted Chicken, as well as regionally inspired cuisine and artfully prepared vegetarian dishes. Enrich your journey with an extensive selection of wines, carefully selected by our Wine Curator, world-renowned wine critic James Suckling.
The Dining Room

Explore a world of intriguing culinary possibilities in the Lido Market. Steps from the Lido pool, this modern marketplace includes a curated selection of delicious options that you can grab on the go or have made to order: Breadboard, with freshly baked breads and pastries; Wild Harvest, offering a bountiful selection of hearty salads; Homestead, serving up comfort classics; Distant Lands, featuring global cuisine; Sweet Spot, for ice cream creations and desserts; Roasting Pan, hand-carved meats, fish and other hearty entrees; Perk, freshly brewed beverages and chilled juices; Quench, premium coffee, beer, wine, and soda available for purchase; Rise, savory quiches, croissants and sandwiches, and more.
Lido Market

Pinnacle Grill is the ultimate steakhouse at sea, where an exceptional menu and impeccable service make for one of finest meals you’ll ever have. The refined menu features a selection of 28-day wet-aged USDA Prime steaks — meticulously chosen to guarantee the finest quality — as well as classic steakhouse dishes and innovative recipes from James Beard Award-winning chef and Culinary Council® member, David Burke. Every dish is exquisitely prepared, beautifully plated and complemented by a vast collection of award-winning wines. Here, your meal is an event unto itself, a celebration of fine dining and a triumph of flavor.
*Meals at Pinnacle Grill are half price for kids 12 years old or under, or free when they order from the kids’ menu.
Pinnicale Grill

Dive-In offers a variety of casual culinary classics, using the highest quality ingredients. Enjoy a burger, grilled to perfection and served on a toasted brioche with our own trade-marked secret sauce. Savor a succulent Nathan’s Famous gourmet hot dog with golden French fries. Or choose a grilled chicken breast sandwich or juicy portabella mushroom stack. Dive-In is the perfect spot to dine poolside on the best burgers at sea.
Dive In

At New York Pizza, choose from a variety of scrumptious, 9-inch, thin-crust pies. Named for New York’s famed five boroughs, our signature pizzas are made to order and topped with only the finest ingredients. Culinary Council member Ethan Stowell has also contributed signature pizza recipes to the menu. Enjoy your pizza by day while overlooking the Lido pool, and into the night. This venue is New York Deli & Pizza on Koningsdam, Rotterdam and Nieuw Statendam, offering made-to-order deli sandwiches in addition to pizza.
New York Pizza
Section for Pricing
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Staterooms with room to Move
Holland America ships are an average of 25% larger and private verandahs an average of 50% larger than on other cruise ships.
View deck plans and room designs, here.

Category: SA, SB, SC
2 lower beds convertible to 1 king-size bed, bathroom with dual vanity, full-size whirlpool bath & shower & additional shower stall, large sitting area, dressing room, private verandah, 1 sofa bed for 2 persons, floor-to-ceiling windows.
*Approximately 500 – 712 sq. ft.with verandah.
Neptune Suite
Category: SA, SB, SC

Category: SS, SY, SZ
2 lower beds convertible to 1 queen-size bed, bathroom with dual sink vanity, full-size whirlpool bath & shower & additional shower stall, large sitting area, dressing room, private verandah, 1 sofa bed for 1 person, floor-to-ceiling windows.
* 389 sq. ft. with verandah.
Signature Suite
Category: SS, SY, SZ